Nexsure 2.6.4 Release Notes (01-22-14)
Nexsure 2.6.4 Enhancements
Attachment Manager
- Search by policy # in attachment manager global search option (F7277)
- Filter out inactive certificates (F7078)
- Ability to scan documents using TWAIN (F7488)
- Add employee in-boxes (F2803)
- EMC Dwelling Fire re-certification (F7031)
- EMC BOP re-certification (F7070)
- New version of Acord 90 NV (F7526)
- New version of Acord 90 FL (F7193)
- Change cert holder added email message to columnar format and add holder ref, DOO wording, phone, fax & email fields (F7522)
- Ability to change portal login if already in use (F4830)
- Claims XDR - added (F7295)
Service Automation
- Add "Must NOT have" for carriers section of in force and expiration campaigns (F7532)
- Ability to select branch when filtering in force campaigns (F7494)
- Ability to turn off action notification creation for failures (F7496)
Submission Suite
- Add save filter setting and additional searches and sorts, add paid column to summary (F7273)
- Ability to access sub suite from retail agent portal (F3900)
- Process payments for binding. (F7497)
- Submission issuance - send policy to insured / retail agent (F7498)